8 Honest Lessons from Andrew Kirby That Made Him Millions

(L1) You don’t know shit.

  • Learn from people who are ahead of you (the only shortcut)
  • The only short cut is mentorship with people who know more than you

(L2) Stop self-improving, and start problem solving

  • What is the number 1 biggest problem that I have in my life that if solved would catapult me towards my goals?

(L3) Nobody cares what you say till you are credible

  • Credibility Hacking: Any information you use, reference those people who are credible (and this article is an example).

(L4) Ditch your friends

  • You have crafted an identity for your friends to like, but that identity is holding you back.
  • If you keep your old identity, which still holds some limited beliefs
  • “Greatness is built in solitude” – Naval
  • Solitude is a super power

(L5) You suck

  • You got to just do the work.
  • Become the best, and share the quality stuff.

(L6) Realize the traditional systems are failing

  • It just don’t work unless the job you want requires a degree.

(L7) If you care more about what your audience things, you’re actually following them

  • The audience is creating your character, but that isn’t you. It is not your authentic self.
  • Only get ideas, but what they say is not absolute.

(L8) Be prepared to go through torture

  • Volume, repetitions, and consistency
  • It will suck, but you just have to keep going because it is worth it.