Is It the Work, or Overstimulation in the Brain?

I didn’t do much for myself in the last two days.

I didn’t work out, I didn’t do my work, and I probably didn’t even brush my teeth.

This was after a night at my friend’s birthday party. It was a night full of fun and dopamine stimulation in my brain. If you’re not sure what dopamine is, it’s a neurotransmitter in your brain that helps us feel pleasure.

I think when the brain is overstimulated, it’s harder to enjoy most things.

Before the party, my everyday tasks were enjoyable, and I didn’t mind doing them, but after the party, it felt the opposite. Everything I did felt like a drag and didn’t seem enjoyable.

I’m not saying it’s impossible to still do the tasks; it just requires more discipline than usual.

So from my experience, you should ask yourself: Is the work itself actually boring, or is the brain just overstimulated?