Well, I have created a 4 step plan for me
- Build A Proven, and Profitable Trading System
- Master Psychology, and Risk Management (Trade Live Now)
- Optimization
- Create A System (of how to keep trading going with the least amount of effort with maximum gains)
I’ve been trading for quite a while, but I still don’t have a valid trading system. If you asked me what I’ve been doing, honestly, I don’t know.
I’ve been juggling a bunch of trading concepts and trying to apply them together. However, the problem is that I don’t fully understand these concepts, which has made it confusing for me. I’ve tried combining market structure, supply and demand, liquidity, daily cycles, and finding entry and exit points. All of these are valid concepts; I just don’t fully understand them yet, so I need to take my time.
After realizing that I actually don’t understand these concepts and don’t really know what I’m doing, I’ve decided to learn each trading concept one by one.
I have a good understanding of market structure and supply/demand. My plan is to learn each concept one by one until I fully understand it and know its objective in the trading system. Once I understand one concept, I’ll move on to the next.
The trading concept I am currently on, and having trouble with is liquidity.
At this point, I just need to immerse myself in studying charts. I’ve been watching too many videos on liquidity without actually implementing what I’ve learned.
My Plan: Study charts more and focus on one trading concept at a time until I fully know its objective.